WOOCOMMERCE – Stripe Payment Plugin Instructions

Here are instructions for adding STRIPE.COM payment module into your woocommerce website.

If you haven’t already done so, register for an account on stripe.com.

If our team is installing and configuring stripe payment module for you, please follow these instructions for adding our team to your account. This will allow us easy access to complete setup and configuration with your website. Please perform these steps on a desktop computer and keep the same browser open the entire time.

  1. Login to stripe.com and in the top right of your screen click on the settings gear icon, then click SETTINGS in the drop down menu.
  2. Scroll down to the BUSINESS SETTINGS section, click on TEAM.
  3. On the right side click on the NEW MEMBER button.
  4. Add the email address given to you by your developer / project manager to invite to your account, then select the role as either “Administrator” or “Developer”, and click the “SEND INVITES” button on the bottom right. Keep your browser open.
  5. Check your email for any email from STRIPE.COM that should be titled “Your Stripe verification link”. Click on that link to verify your request for adding a new admin. You can now close your browser.
  6. An email will go out to your project manager from STRIPE.COM to accept the account access.

In some cases it has been reported to us that some clients follow these steps, then when they get to step 5 and click to verify, it will give them a message that they are not using the same browser. In this case try the following:

  • Ensure the browser you are using for all steps is your default browser (i.e. the one that auto opens links you click on from emails). If you use say CHROME for steps 1-4, then for step 5 click on the email link and it opens say FIREFOX or MS EDGE, it will fail authentication.
  • Clear your browser cache, close it, reopen it, and repeat steps 1-5 again.


  1. Go into PLUGINS > ADD NEW > then search for “stripe”, install the one from woocommerce (should be the first one), and after it completes installation click “activate”.
  3. Change title and description as desired.
  4. Under WEBHOOK ENDPOINTS copy the URL given, then click to login, then under “Webhook” click ADD button and paste the URL. We suggest you add the following events minimum: charge.dispute.closed, charge.dispute.created, charge.refunded, charge.failed, charge.captured, charge.succeeded
  5. Disable TEST MODE.
  6. Under STRIPE ACCOUNT KEYS click the ‘SETUP OR LINK…’ button, login (if prompted), ensure the proper account is selected (if you have multiples), then click SUBMIT button.
  7. For “Webhook Secret” if this field was not automatically filled in, then go back to your webhooks page, click the one you added, then click “Show Secret” and copy / paste it into this field.
  8. For “Inline Credit Card Form” check this.
  9. For statement descriptor enter the name of the business or website name (without HTTP://, i.e. yoursite.com)
  10. For “Capture” ensure “Capture charge immediately” is checked.
  11. For “Saved Cards” ensure “Enable Payment via Saved Cards” is checked.
  12. Finally at top of the page ensure “Enable Stripe” is checked, then scroll to the bottom and click SAVE.


After successful setup we recommend you do a test order as follows:

  1. GO to front end of your website and login either as an administrator, or create a customer account using a different email address.
  2. Add any item to your cart and click to go to checkout.
  3. Add your billing address (and shipping if needed).
  4. For payment select “Credit Card (by Stripe)” (or whatever you labeled it as).
  5. Enter a test credit card number 4111 1111 1111 1111 with any future expiration date and CCV number.
  6. Submit your order.

You will get one of two outcomes:

a. A decline message: This means connection to stripe.com was successful!
b. An error connecting to stripe.com: This means there is something wrong in your settings. Go back through the steps above and recheck all settings. If you still have this type of error again, then contact stripe.com via phone or email and they will help you figure it out.
