2. osCommerce: Catalog Management


To manage your categories / products, click on the CATALOG link from login page OR CATALOG box on the left side navigation from within admin tools.

1. Creating a category: If it is a top level category, click on the NEW CATEGORY button below any other categories. If it is a sub-category, first click on the FOLDER ICON next to the top level category you wish to place this within. Please NOTE: By default a new category is turned OFF from displaying on the storefront. This is done so that you can first add products into it. To turn the category ON, click on the LIGHT GREEN BUTTON in the STATUS column next to category name.

2. Category options: Select a category by clicking on its name to display options for edit, delete, and more. if this is for a subcategory, click on the top level category FOLDER ICON it belongs within first to locate it.

1. Creating a product: To add a product, click into the specific category FOLDER ICON you wish to have this product listed within, then click NEW PRODUCT button.

2. Product options: Product options are when you want to display option drop downs for things like size, color, etc. There are several ways to accomplish this in our osCommerceSource cart system:

a. From product add / edit screen: scroll down to PRODUCT OPTIONS:
STEP 1: First row shows “Option, value, prefix & price” fields with buttons below and next to those. Under OPTIONS drop down see if your OPTION GROUP already exists. If so select VALUE and +/- PRICE if relevant then click on the green check mark to add that first group and option.

If the option group does not exist, under the OPTION drop down menu click on the + icon to create a new group. Likewise if the VALUE doesn’t exist.

STEP 2: After adding your first option group, it will show a + symbol next to it with number added I.e. “Size (1)”. To the right of that you will see the remaining VALUES for that group in a drop down menu. You can either select another one and click on the check mark ICON, or click on the + to add one or the – to remove one.

To add additional OPTION GROUPS, just repeat this process, then when completed click on the PREVIEW button, then the UPDATE or INSERT buttons on following page.

b. Quick click method: If you have already added all of the product attributes / options you intend to use on your site, then this is the method for you.
STEP 1: Locate your product in admin and single click to select it.
STEP 2: Click on the EDIT ATTRIBUTES button.
STEP 3: Check off each attribute you want to be associated with the product, and it will then automatically create those on your product page!
