5. osCommerce: Customer & Order Management


Here are some instructions for managing your oscommerce customers and orders.

To manage your categories / products, click on the CUSTOMERS link from login page OR CUSTOMERS box on the left side navigation from within admin tools. Here you can manage your customers, search for a specific customer, delete a customer and more. Simply locate the customer desired by searching by last name, first name, or email address, and click on the customer name to display options.

To manage your orders, click on CUSTOMERS link, then ORDERS link from the left side navigation. Depending on your store setup, all new orders should show as PENDING, and past orders to other order statuses. Select or search then select the order of choice to display options available.

1. Select the order of choice then click on the UPDATE STATUS button.
2. Review order details including addresses, payment method, and order details.
3. If you are using the DEFAULT CREDIT CARD module, after successfully running the credit card, click on the DELETE CVV button for security purposes.
4. On bottom of the screen you can optionally enter tracking numbers.
5. Add any desired COMMENTS into the comments box on bottom.
6. On bottom change the order status to whatever new status you desire from the drop down of options.
6. If you wish for the customer to receive an automated email with this updated information, ensure the NOTIFY CUSTOMER is checked, and finally click UPDATE.

1. Select the order of choice then click on EDIT ORDER button.
2. Edit any details of the order you desire, then click UPDATE.

You have the ability to edit the various order statuses by clicking on the LOCALIZATION box, then ORDER STATUS link. Here you can add / modify / delete statuses. Please note that if you delete a status which you selected during setup of your payment or shipping modules, you will need to go back and edit those modules again to select a new one. It is suggested that you simple modify existing ones or add new ones to avoid this issue.
