1. osCommerce: Initial Admin Tools Setup Tips


The following information is related to your store settings after login to the admin tools. These things may have already been done for you if you opted to have us build out your new oscommerce store front.

To update your store address, phone numbers, and email addresses, after login click on CONFIGURATION. This will take you to the MY STORE section of settings for your store. For any of the items listed, click on that field and click the EDIT button to edit that information, then click UPDATE. The main items to edit include:
a. Store name: Edit your store name if desired.
b. Store owner: Edit your store owner name if desired.
c. E-mail address: This is where copies of all emails or inquiries go to.
d. E-mail from address: This is what shows to customers for all automated emails they get from your site.
e. Send Extra Order E-mails To: This should be filled out if you wish to get copies of all orders that come to your site instantly.
f. Store Address & Phone: This information shows on your CONTACT US section and on the default INVOICES & PACKING SLIPS.

You may optionally edit the other fields if desired, but is not necessary.

On the left side navigation click on CUSTOMER DETAILS. Here you can turn some customer fields seen during customer registration on / off.

On the left side navigation click on SHIPPING/PACKAGING. Here you should edit this information to reflect where your products are being shipped FROM. This ensures proper quoting for shipping if you are using automatic real time shipping module rates.

On the left side navigation click on STOCK. Here you can edit the store STOCK OPTIONS.
a. If you plan to track stock / quantities: edit “check stock level” & “subtract stock” and change values to TRUE. Ensure as you add products that you set your quantity for each product to ensure it shows on the storefront with these options set to TRUE. Products without quantities will NOT show otherwise under these settings.
b. If you do not plan to track stock / quantities, nothing needs to be done.

On left side navigation click on MASTER PASSWORD. This is to allow you to login as any customer on the storefront to help them trouble shoot any issues they may have. This can be used by either going to your storefront and typing their email address + your master password, or from ADMIN > CUSTOMERS section by selecting a customer and clicking LOGIN.

To manage your available shipping modules you want to use, from left side navigation click on MODULES > SHIPPING. This shows a complete list of all default shipping modules. To install / modify a shipping module click on the MODULE NAME, then INSTALL or EDIT. If this is a new installation before you click on the INSTALL button after selecting, click on the instructions link on the right side for details about proper setup of that specific module.

To manage your available payment methods to offer to the customers / use for processing, click on MODULES > PAYMENT. This shows a complete list of all default payment modules. To install / modify a shipping module click on the MODULE NAME, then INSTALL, then click on EDIT to configure the shipping module and enter the details it asks for. For any merchant specific payment modules (i.e. paypal, authorize.net) please contact that merchant processor directly for anything asked for that you do not understand. You may also open a trouble ticket via MY ACCOUNT page and we will do our best to answer your questions.

NOTE: if you use the default credit card module labeled “CREDIT CARD”, this will validate the credit card during checkout, but will NOT charge the card automatically. You will need to process this manually. See below for how to view the credit card details.
