3. osCommerce: Shipping Modules Management


Depending on which shipping modules installed into your oscommerce store, instructions may vary. We have covered the basic instructions for the most common ones below including: USPS, UPS and Fedex. Start by logging into your admin tools > then click on MODULES > SHIPPING and select the module you wish to get started with. Each of these modules has a link “click [HERE] for instructions” on specific instructions for signing up for that carrier. Please note signing up for each of these carriers is free.

Here are some additional notes on each below:

1. Register at URL given of:

2. Upon completion, they will send you an email with USPS web tools username and password.

3. Go into admin > modules > shipping modules > click to select USPS and click EDIT.

4. Fill in the USERNAME / PASSWORD fields, select which shipping options you want to be available for your customers to select, set any shipping & handling options and click update button on bottom.
NOTE1: At this time INSURANCE option is still in development, so do NOT select that option.
NOTE2: Unless you sell books or DVDs, do NOT select the MEDIA MAIL option.

5. Forward a copy of the email you got from USPS to icustomercare@usps.com as follows:

I have successfully completed testing with the USPS API Web tools on my website at:

WWW.YOURDOMAIN.COM (or if site is not live yet list both your domain and IP address).

Please switch the following account to PRODUCTION:
Username is XXXX
Password is XXXX
Platform: oscommerce

Thank you.

Now USPS will be setup for you to use on site.

1. Go to:


3. Fill out the form to register with them.

4. After registration you will get a FEDEX account number like 2794-3116-9

5. Go into admin tools > modules > shipping modules > click to select FEDEX and click EDIT.

6. Set to TRUE, fill out the account number without spaces or dashes (Example: instead of 2794-3116-9 enter 279431169), set your other options and update.

This module by far is one of the most difficult to get setup properly. To get started, you will need to first register specifically for UPS OnLine Tools. After you have received your Developer’s Key, you can request your Access Key. If you have already registered for My UPS.com, go to step 8 after you have logged in with your User ID and Password.

1. Open a new desired Internet browser window, keeping your store admin tools open in the first window.

2. Access the UPS web tools page at [http://www.ups.com/e_comm_access/gettools_index?loc=en_US]

3. Click on the [Register] link, or if you have already previously registered click on the LOGIN link and login and skip to STEP X.

4. Follow the instructions to register. To receive notices of future releases of OnLine Tools, select [Yes] to receive notices. This is important if you wish to get emails regarding updates to their web tools which may effect your website.

5. Once registered for My UPS, go to the UPS Online Tools section at:

NOTE: Due to recent changes made by UPS, they now require you to have an UPS Account number to proceed. To make things bit more challenging, they have also partnered with a credit validation firm that will ask you some various random questions during this process (i.e. did you live on A) street 1, B) street 2, C) street 3 or D) none of the above).
a. After login click on STEP 5: Request an access key.
b. If you do not already have a UPS Account number, click on OPEN A UPS ACCOUNT in the green box.
c. Fill out the form using the same address information that you used before and submit.
d. On the following page it will then ask you various random personal questions to verify your identity. Do these to the best of your recollection, then submit.
e. If for any reason you answered 1 or more questions wrong, it will ask you to call their 800 number to speak to an account rep to finish the process. The number they give you DOES NOT give you the option for NEW ACCOUNTS. As such please call the following phone number to get your account setup and have your logins handy: 1-800-877-1509 8am-9pm

6. On the “UPS OnLine Tools” page, click on [Get Tools].

7. Click on [UPS Rates & Service Selection].

8. Scroll to bottom of the page and click on [Get Access Key]. It will ask you for the DEVELOPERS key, which you should have received an email on. If you did not receive that, click on the [RESEND DEVELOPERS KEY] link.

9. Select the type of Access Key you desire, “XML” or “HTML.” If you are going to use a shopping cart, you will probably want to select XML Access Key unless otherwise directed by the shopping cart vendor.

10. Once again, verify that all the information in the bold type fields is accurate and complete on the “Provide Additional Information” page and click on [Submit].

11. Your Access Key will appear on the screen. Copy or print this Access Key for your records.

12. From your store admin tools window, install the UPS XML shipping module by clicking INSTALL.

13. Click EDIT and follow the instructions below to configure for your store.

1. Enable UPS Shipping : set to true.2. UPS Rates Access Key : Enter your UPS XML Access key.

3. UPS Username: Enter your UPS username.

4. UPS Password: Enter your UPS password. Note: This is cAsE SenSAtive.

5. Pickup Method: Please select your appropriate pickup method.

6. Packaging Type : Please select your packaging type that you use commonly for most products. If you are unsure, select the CUSTOMER PACKAGING method.

7. Customer Classification Code : Select your customer classification code based upon the information provided.

8. Shipping Origin: Select your Country origin.

9. Shipping Surcharge: You can add a surcharge to all Fedex rate quotes. You might use this to pay for your shipping supplies, etc.

10. Origin State/Province : Enter your two digit state / province abbreviation. Example: CA, MI, etc.

This must match the state / province you registered with UPS.

11. Origin Country: Enter your two digit origin country. Example: US, CA

This must match the country you registered with UPS.

12. Origin Zip/Postal Code : Enter your origin zip code / postal code. This must match the zip / postal code you registered with UPS.

13. Test or Production Mode : Select TEST for testing, or PRODUCTION when you are ready to go live.

14. Quote Type: Select your QUOTE TYPE as residential or commercial, based upon who your customers are.

15. Handling Fee : If you would like to charge a handling fee, enter it here without the $ sign. Example: 5.00

16. Shipping Zone: Select the zone you want to offer UPS shipping to. To allow this method for everyone, leave the default.

17. Shipping Methods: Check off the shipping methods you wish to offer your customers. The proper shipping methods will show up for your customers based upon their location.

Example: Customers outside of the US would see “Worldwide Express” where customers within the US would not.

18. Shipping Delay: If you wish to have the estimated shipping date shown to your customers delayed, enter a number here to increase the estimated shipping date.

Any additional options not covered above, are optional configuration options.

To test properly:

1. Go to your storefront and create a customer account, or login to an existing one.
2. Add any items to your cart.
NOTE: Ensure the items have a weight attached to them or the shipping modules WILL bomb out and give a “cannot connect / return rates” messages. If all of your shipping modules return this type of message, then chances are you either entered 0 for product weights on those products, or typed in wrong weight format (i.e. for 12 lbs, just enter 12.)

