4. osCommerce: Payment Modules Management


Here is instructions for setting up and using the most common payment modules for your oscommerce website. If you dont see an option below that you need, please open a ticket via MY ACCOUNT and we will gladly take a look.

Setting up your store to accept paypal.com for orders is easy. Follow these steps:

1. If you do not already have a paypal.com account, go to www.paypal.com and click on SIGN-UP, then BUSINESS ACCOUNT, then from drop down select WEBSITE PAYMENTS STANDARD and submit to continue. Follow the steps on screen, and within several days paypal.com will make two small deposits into your checking account. Once you see those login to paypal.com again, click on the CONFIRM ACCOUNT link, and enter those two amounts. You are now ready to plug this into your storefront.

2. Login to ADMIN > MODULES > PAYMENT and click on CREDIT / DEBIT CARD via Paypal.com module, then click INSTALL or EDIT if already installed.

3. Set to TRUE, then enter your associated email address, leave the rest of the settings, and click UPDATE.

Now people can select PAYPAL.COM as a payment option for your osCommerce storefront.

The paypal.com IPN payment module you just installed, works a bit differently than the other common payment modules in our system. After a person selects paypal.com as payment option and confirm order, the order is prerecorded with an order status of “PREPARING [Paypal IPN]” into your system, then the customer is sent over to paypal.com to complete their payment.

Your website will “talk” to paypal to ask it every few minutes if that order payment was completed on paypal.com website, and if so then it will flag it as status of PROCESSED. If you ever see an order which still after 1 day shows a status of “PREPARING [Paypal IPN]”, then your customer did go to paypal.com but never completed their payment.

So be sure any orders you see in your store for at least 1 DAY flagged as “PREPARING [Paypal IPN]” do NOT ship those as payment was never made. We suggest doing the following in that case:

1. Delete the order from the system (no worries, since if customer returns to your store, all items will still be in cart) to avoid a potential duplicate order if they do come back.

2. Contact the customer (any method you like, including locating customer in your admin tools and clicking EMAIL button), tell them you noticed they did not complete their order on your site and ask them if there was any specific reason or if you can help answer any questions. Use it as a customer service opportunity, and if you have a COUPON module installed, its a great way to send them a coupon to motivate them to complete the order.

Tell them that they can log back into your site at anytime with all items still in cart to complete their order.

Setting up your store to accept paypal.com for orders is easy. Follow these steps:

To setup authorize.net to be used with your oscommerce cart, follow these easy steps:

STEP 1: If you have not already done so, create an account and submit an application to authorize.net. You can

contact them direct, or go to the URL below:

STEP 2: Login to your merchant account by visiting www.authorize.net and clicking on the MERCHANT LOGIN link at


STEP 3: Upon login for first time it will ask you a series of security questions and setup questions. Be sure to

write down your security question and answer.

STEP 4: Click on left menu “SETTINGS” link, then “API TRANSACTION LOGIN & KEY” link under SECURITY section.

STEP 5: Write down the displayed API login ID, then enter your security question answer and optionally check

“Delete existing transaction key” and submit. On following page write down your API transaction key. You are now

ready to set this up in oscommerce.

STEP 6: Login to your oscommerce admin control panel and click on MODULES > PAYMENT > AUTHORIZE.NET and click

INSTALL if not already done. Then click EDIT.

STEP 7: Enter the following values as described below. Any items not listed, you can leave default values:
– turn on: true
– API login username / transaction key: enter the values you just received from authorize.net
– cURL Setup: set to COMPILED.
– trans mode: set to PRODUCTION.
– trans method: credit card
– processing mode: If you wish to charge immediately, set to “authorize and capture” else if you only wish to do preauthorization, set to “authorize only”.
– accepted credit cards: check off the ones you are setup to accept.

Then click UPDATE button.

STEP 8: Testing – to test proper connection with authorize.net, follow these steps:
a. Go to your storefront and add at least one item into your cart.
b. Click CHECKOUT button and either login to your demo customer account or create one if you have not already done so.
c. Select any shipping method you desire and CONTINUE.
d. Select CREDIT CARD VIA AUTHORIZE.NET as payment method, then enter:
expiry date: any future date.
ccv: any 3 digit code like 123

And click CONTINUE. On following page click CONFIRM ORDER button. If you get a message back that says “Your credit card was declined (2): This transaction has been declined.” then you have successfully connected to authorize.net and are ready to process transactions. If you receive any other message, then please get with your authorize.net representative.
