5. WORDPRESS: Managing Menus

WORDPRESS Viewed: 3121

If after adding a new top level page into your site if it doesn’t show within your site menu, follow these easy instructions:
1. On left side menu mouse over APPEARANCE, then click on MENUS.

2. Within the center section you should see tabs for the various menus used on your site top header, main header navigation bar, left column nav, footer nav, and possibly other custom menus. Click on the various tabs to locate the menu of choice, i.e. if you want to add your new page / existing page into the header nav it may be labeled something like TOP NAV, PRIMARY NAV, or similar.

3. Managing pages for your menu:

a. To change the sort order, simply click on a menu bar item within the center of your screen (i.e. HOME PAGE) and drag it higher or lower and release to change sort order.
b. To delete an item from your menu, while retaining the page itself, click on the down arrow on the right side of that menu item, then click REMOVE link. Your page shall remain visible if linked from other pages but shall no longer be part of that menu.
c. To add an item to your menu you have several options:
– to add an existing page, locate the left side PAGES box, click VIEW ALL tab, then locate the page(s), place a check next to those, then click ADD TO MENU.
– to add a custom link into your menu (i.e. one that may go to another site or custom page you have), locate the left side CUSTOM LINK box, fill out the URL and LABEL fields then click ADD TO MENU.
– to add a blog category to your menu, locate the left side CATEGORIES box and check the blog post category you wish to display within your menu, then click ADD TO MENU.
*note: All new links will appear at the bottom of the menu by default, so you can easily drag them to location of your choosing to reorder the links.
d. To make a page within your menu appear within a drop down underneath another page: drag the menu item of choice below its “parent” link. Before letting go of your mouse, drag it a bit further to the right so it is indented, then release. If your theme is setup to offer DROP DOWN menus, it will now be part of a drop down menu.
e. To change the label of your page link (i.e. page name is much longer than menu will allow for), simply click on the drop down arrow to expand it, edit the LABEL field, and click SAVE MENU.

Be sure after making all desired changes to your menu system, that you click SAVE MENU in order for the changes to be save and show properly.
