6. WORDPRESS: Managing Media Library, uploading files

WORDPRESS Viewed: 3152

WORDPRESS offers some extensive MEDIA tools for adding / uploading images, documents, and displaying videos on your website into your PAGES, POSTS, or other areas within the description area. If you wish for your description to contain any of these, you can opt to add them at any time by following these instructions:

1. Place your cursor into the area where you wish to display a MEDIA file, then click on the ADD MEDIA button above the description field.

2. You have multiple choices for adding media into your description area:

You can choose to do the following for images:
a. MEDIA LIBRARY: This is the default tab which will be selected. Simply click on the image of your choice and click INSERT INTO PAGE on the right side of the screen.
b. UPLOAD FILES: If you wish to upload an image, click on this tab, then click to browse for your image and upload it. Confirm that is the image you want and click INSERT INTO PAGE on right side of the screen.

Once the image has been loaded into the location of your choosing you have several other options for fine tuning placement including:
– Resizing: Click on the image to select it, then drag the lower right corner box that appears on the image down to the right to increase size, or up diagonally to the left to decrease the size. This will not resize the actual file, but will control how it is displayed.
– Borders, alignment, and more: To control these settings click on the image, then click on the IMAGE icon that appears next to the DELETE icon to get a new popup. From the first screen tab you can adjust alignment, i.e. select LEFT if you want your image to the left and text to wrap around it to the right. For borders and more advanced controls, click on the ADVANCED SETTINGS tab and enter properties for the following as desired:

  • borders: Enter a numerical value for a border around your image.
  • vertical / horizontal space: Enter a numerical value for these fields if you want to give your image a bit more space from the surrounding content / text.

Finally when you are done, click on the UPDATE button on the bottom of the popup to complete these updates. If you wish to delete an image you uploaded, simply click on it and click DELETE on your keyboard. The image shall be retained within your media library but will no longer show within the description field.

If you wish to use the media tools to upload a file to link from, follow these steps after placing your cursor where you wish for the file to be linked from and clicking the ADD MEDIA button:

1. Click on the UPLOAD FILES tab, then BROWSE for the file you wish to upload (i.e. PDF, .DOC, etc.) and click to upload.

2. In the fields provided, change the default label for the file to how you wish the link to read. In example change it to “white paper” so that word will link to the file in question within your description. Also ensure to select whether you want it to open in same window, or target NEW WINDOW so it opens on top of your site.
