7. WORDPRESS: Managing Your Widget Boxes

WORDPRESS Viewed: 3110

If your WordPress theme / site has summary boxes on its home page, site wide header, or site wide footer, then this is the tutorial for you. This tutorial covers general instructions for editing existing widgets which are part of your site. It does not cover all of the things you can do with various widgets available, since that is an extensive library.

A WordPress “widget” is a easy drag and drop function that allows you to control various content or layouts within set areas within your website layout. These are usually set by the original designers of your wordpress site and may contain anything from text summaries, to recent blog posts, to a quick inquiry form, and much more.

1. From within your admin tools click on APPEARANCE, then WIDGETS.

2. On the right side of the screen you shall see various “WIDGET” containers with titles. These titles are usually an indictor of the location of the widget.

3. Click on the drop down arrow next to the widget container of choice, to see more embedded widgets within. In some cases there are one or more. In example you may see a widget container called “FOOTER 1” which contains a widget for TEXT and widget for SOCIAL ICONS.

4. Click on the widget drop down arrow, within the widget container, to see full details of the settings, content, etc. of the widget in question. Update as desired, then click on the UPDATE or similar button to save.

The updates will be instantly seen on your site. See your project manager for details on any specific questions you have on these. Traditionally once these are setup, unless something needs to change within the content of these, modifications should only be done by advanced users.
