How do I create a new FTP account?

FTP QUESTIONS Viewed: 3248

To create a new FTP login for your Linux shared hosting account / website, follow these instructions:

1. Login to

2. Click on the FTP Accounts link in the FILES box.

3. Fill out the form fields as follows:
a. LOGIN: For this field enter what you want your username to be. The resulting username will end up being
b. PASSWORD: Enter your password, or use the password generator tool to have it automatically generate a more secure password.
c. PASSWORD AGAIN: Reenter your password.
d. DIRECTORY: This will list as /home/siteusername/__________
You have several options for this:
– If you wish to give this user full FTP access to your entire site, leave the field blank.
– If you wish to give this user access to only one folder on your site, enter the folder name into that field. The folder can already exist, or if it does not exist it will be created for them.
e. QUOTA: Enter an optional quota, for how much storage space this FTP user is allowed to use before it rejects them from uploading more files.

4. Click on CREATE FTP ACCOUNT button to complete this process.

Be sure to write down the FULL username, which would be Its a common mistake that people enter a NEWUSERNAME and just give that to the new user, vs. giving it to them as

NOTE: Number of allowed FTP accounts vary based upon your hosting package. As such if you find that CPANEL will not allow you to create a new user account, you can verify if allowed number of FTP accounts have been used by:
1. Click on HOME PAGE link in upper left corner. This takes you back to CPANEL home page.
2. Left hand column click on the EXPAND STATS link.
3. Look for the FTP ACCOUNTS row.

This will show you how many FTP accounts you have already used and how many are still available, i.e. 1/5 indicates you have 4 left. If you require additional FTP accounts, please open a trouble ticket.
