Is your hosting services / sites built PCI compliant?

PCI compliance changes every few months based upon the PCI compliance company you go through. As such what may be considered compliant for one company may not for another. As a standard though we do regular updates on our hosting servers security to ensure it is compliant against the most items these reports may give you.

Likewise all websites we build are typically PCI compliant against most items of concern at the time of completion of your site. This does change every few months and your site may require additional updates, as would your computer anti-virus software require billable updates on occasion, to ensure security.

If you are hosting with us, typically we do most server wide PCI compliance updates at no charge to you, as it helps all of our customers. Website specific PCI updates are handled on a case by case basis, sometimes requiring minor billable updates, sometimes requiring no charges at all, and sometimes requiring us to simply provide you with a report showing an item to be a false positive.

If you are unsure if your site is PCI compliant or would like us to review a PCI report you have received, please contact us for more details and options.
