WOOCOMMERCE / WORDPRESS: How do I unblock a customer?

If your website platform is WooCommerce or WordPress built by our team, then as part of our security setup your website is using a plugin called “WordFence”, which is our preferred security plugin.

If a customer notified you that they were blocked, follow these steps after logging into your website admin tools:

1. On the left column menu look for “WordFence”, mouse over it, then from the pop out menu select ‘FIREWALL’.

2. In the center of the page click on the ‘BLOCKING’ tab.

3. Scroll down to the section that reads as ‘Current blocks for www.yoursite.com’ and look for the customer in question. The easiest way to find them is within the “reason” column which usually will show an email address or username.

4. Place a check mark next to this entry, then click the ‘UNBLOCK’ button.

This can happen for a number of reasons. The most common reason is the customer has mistyped their email address or password. After so many attempts, the system will block them from viewing the website.

Yes you can change it or disable it, but we highly recommend against disabling it completely as it will make it easier for potential spammers and hackers to make unlimited attempts. To update these settings:

1. On the left column menu look for “WordFence”, mouse over it, then from the pop out menu select ‘ALL OPTIONS’.

2. Locate the ‘BRUTE FORCE’ bar and click to expand it.

3. Adjust as desired and then scroll back up and click on the SAVE button.

