1. MICROSITE editing content

MICROSITES - HOW TO Viewed: 2918

Editing your content is a snap! After admin login just follow these instructions. We recommend that you have two tabs open for editing, so you can see changes quickly.

  • The first tab for your admin tools.
  • The second tab for your front end website after login.

Editing Text Content

1. Click on PAGES from the left menu, then under HOME PAGE click “Edit with WPBakery Page Builder”. Alternatively from the front end after admin login, you can click the “Edit with WPBakery Page Builder” in the admin mini bar.
2. Scroll down to the section you wish to edit text and click on the pencil icon.
3. Edit the text as desired, then click SAVE CHANGES, and then CLOSE buttons.
4. Repeat as needed.
5. When all changes are complete, click the UPDATE button in the upper right side of the screen to go live with these changes.

If you are done with all changes, click the X button on the upper right side of the screen. Or to return to your admin tools click the BACKEND EDITOR button.

Replacing Images

After following the same steps 1-2 in the above tutorial:
1. Scroll down to the section you wish to replace an image and click on the pencil icon.
*note: areas related to other features like testimonials, team, portfolio, or blog, please follow those corresponding instructions.
2. Click on the EDIT pencil icon.
3. Click on the + symbol to select / upload a new image.
4. In the lower right click on the SET IMAGE button, then click SAVE CHANGES, CLOSE, and finally the UPDATE button in the upper right side of the screen.
