3. MICROSITE portfolio management

MICROSITES - HOW TO Viewed: 2756

Managing your portfolio is a snap! After admin login just follow these instructions. We recommend that you have two tabs open for editing, so you can see changes quickly.

  • The first tab for your admin tools.
  • The second tab for your front end website after login.

Manage Your Portfolio

1. From your dashboard, click on PORTFOLIO.
2. Managing records as follows:
– to put a record in the “trash” (allows you to reactivate it anytime), mouse over the name, then click ‘TRASH’.
– to update a record, mouse over the name then click ‘EDIT’.
– to add a new record, click ‘ADD NEW’ button and fill out the form, then select an optional FEATURED PHOTO on the right side column, then click SAVE.

You can also optionally manage your portfolio “categories”, which drive the filters people can choose.
