4. MICROSITE testimonials management

MICROSITES - HOW TO Viewed: 2816

Managing your customer testimonials is a snap! After admin login just follow these instructions. We recommend that you have two tabs open for editing, so you can see changes quickly.

  • The first tab for your admin tools.
  • The second tab for your front end website after login.

Manage Your Testimonials

1. From your dashboard, click on TESTIMONIALS.
2. Managing records as follows:
– to put a record in the “trash” (allows you to reactivate it anytime), mouse over the name, then click ‘TRASH’.
– to update a record, mouse over the name then click ‘EDIT’.
– to add a new record, click ‘ADD NEW’ button and fill out the form, then select an optional FEATURED PHOTO on the right side column, then click SAVE.
