Why can’t I connect to my email account via MS Outlook or my smart phone?


If you are having problems connecting to a new / existing email account in MS Outlook or your smartphone, follow these steps to troubleshoot before opening a ticket:

1. Go to www.yoursite.com/webmail/

2. Login using your full email address and password.

If you cannot successfully login to webmail, then you wrote down your password wrong. Please login to CPANEL > EMAIL ACCOUNTS, locate your email account, reset the password, then try this test again. Be sure to update your computer / smart phone with new password if you change it. Once you can successfully login to webmail, go to next step:

3. Double check your settings within MS Outlook or your smart phone. In example with MS Outlook (may slightly vary depending on your version):

– YOUR NAME: Anything you desire
– EMAIL ADDRESS: your full email address, i.e. youremail@yoursite.com
– ACCOUNT TYPE: POP3 is the ideal connection type, but can also use IMAP.
– INCOMING MAIL SERVER: mail.yoursite.com
– OUTGOING MAIL SERVER (SMTP): mail.yoursite.com
– USERNAME: your username can be entered as one of two formats:
a. your full email address, i.e. youremail@yoursite.com
b. your full email address, but with a + instead of a @, i.e. youremail+yoursite.com.
Either format is acceptable.
– PASSWORD: use the password you just verified is working properly. NOTE: Passwords are case sensative. Be sure to check “Remember Password”. If you reset your password in previous step, be sure to update it here.

Check your ADVANCED SETTINGS by clicking on MORE SETTINGS button.
– INCOMING SERVER tab: Ensure the port value is set to either 995 (for POP3) or 993 (for IMAP).
– OUTGOING SERVER tab: Ensure the port value is set to 465. Then check “My outgoing mail server (SMTP) requires authentication” and have the default radio button selected for “Use same settings as my incoming mail server”.

– ADVANCED Tab: If this is for your smart phone and you wish to leave a copy of the emails you download on the server temporarily (i.e. so you can receive them on your computer later), check the “Leave a copy of the messages on the server” and “Remove from server when deleted”.

4. After confirming everything, click SEND / RECEIVE again.

5. If you are still having connectivity issues, then the issue is with your ISP (internet service provider / phone provider) . Very common if you can receive emails but cannot send them. More ISPs are starting to block email ports. Within your email settings go into the MORE OPTIONS > ADVANCED TAB area (or similar for your phone), verify the OUTGOING SERVER (SMTP) port is set to 465 and try to connect again. If you are still having an issue, contact your ISP to check if they are “blocking port 465 for outgoing emails” and if so tell them to please change that for you to access.

Also of note is a small percentage of users who are having problems on their computers will have issues because of the ANTI-VIRUS / ANTI-SPAM software on their computers which changes up your INCOMING / OUTGOING email settings. You will notice this immediately while reviewing your settings if that is the case. Simply change them to what they need to be.

*Please note: We do not offer support for smart phone email connection issues, due to the extremely high number of smart phones which almost all have different menus / settings. Please get with your cell phone provider to confirm your settings.

